Spire assisted a contractor during the bidding phase for the $110 million Texas State Highway (SH) 71 Toll Road design and construction of improvements project. The project extended from Pmulti-family Boulevard to immediately east of SH 130. The project included the construction of toll lanes with grade-separated crossings at farm-to-market road (FM) 973 and SH 130, general-purpose lanes, at-grade ramps, and intersection improvements. In addition, it included the realignment of FM 973 from immediately south of the Colorado River to approximately one-half mile south of the current SH 71 and FM 973 intersections.

The Spire team developed a preliminary project baseline schedule (PBS-1) submitted with the client’s proposal. Spire’s PBS-1 preparation included creating the work breakdown structure, logic, sequencing, and duration to reflect the plan for performing the work. Spire developed the PBS-1 following the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) technical requirements and the PBS-1.

Scheduling Approach

Spire understands that a project or program schedule is a management tool for planning complex design and construction projects and coordinating the work of key stakeholders. In addition, a program or project schedule also defines the processes and establishes a timeline to be followed in executing the scope of work. Comprehensive schedules will identify all of a project’s stages, phases, and activities assigned to each team member and will also identify key milestones which become the targets to guide the project to completion. The project Work Breakdown Schedule (WBS) is the framework for dividing a project’s scope into its sub-components in order to facilitate the schedule development process. 

Spire’s process initially will entail a comprehensive review of a project’s scope and phasing requirements, as well as our client’s reporting requirements and existing program structure. Subdividing the project scope into areas or systems is the next step. And then ultimately identify the schedule activities that must be performed in the conceptualization, design, procurement construction, and startup phases of a project. In this way, smaller segments of work can be assembled into work packages that are more effectively planned, budgeted, scheduled, and controlled.

While a typical WBS encompasses elements like Area, Unit, System, Work Package, etc., Spire believes that it must be specifically tailored to each project’s unique needs and requirements. How can Spire help with your next preliminary project baseline schedule?