Spire’s Associate Principal Assumes Role as Vice President of SAME OC Post

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Mr. Nosbisch has been involved with SAME since 1995, and has supported the organization through his position on the OC Post Board of Directors as well as his involvement as Chair of the Federal Business Opportunities Symposium (FBOS).







Associate Principal, Michael Nosbisch, CCP, PSP, FAACE, was recently installed as the Vice President of the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME), Orange County (OC) Post. Mr. Nosbisch has been involved with SAME since 1995, specifically supporting the Society through his position on the OC Post Board of Directors as well as his involvement as Chair of the Federal Business Opportunities Symposium (FBOS).

By striving to unite public and private sector organizations, including those in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry, SAME aims to acheive its vision of being recognized as the multi-disciplined integrator of military, public, private, and academic national infrastructure-related capabilities to produce viable solutions for America’s national security. In his role as Vice President, Mr. Nosbisch will help the OC Post implement and disseminate the 2020 SAME Strategic Plan, and its four main goals: relationships, leadership and mentoring, professional development and personal growth, and resilience.

Mr. Nosbisch is also a Fellow and Past President of AACE International (AACE), the recognized association of project controls professionals worldwide, currently holding the position of Chair of the Education Board.

Please join us in congratulating Mr. Nosbisch on his new role.

To learn more about SAME, please click here.