Spire Supports First Ever SAME/USMC STEM Camp at MCAGCC Twentynine Palms

Spire Consulting Group government contract projects








Spire Associate Principal and former Marine Officer, Michael Nosbisch, was one of a core team of industry and base staff supporting the first ever Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) STEM Camp, held at Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC) Twentynine Palms, CA from 6 – 8 April. Fifty students from throughout California attended the camp, ranging from 7th graders to seniors in high school. In addition to Michael’s personal commitment, Spire was also a co-sponsor of the event, providing hard hats in different colors to distinguish the six squads of campers. Young engineering professionals acted as mentors to each squad, which were also shepherded by a team of twelve “highly motivated” Marine non-commissioned officers.

In addition to STEM-focused tours of MCAGCC facilities, the campers participated in several competitions that stressed planning and teamwork in support of an engineering problem or task. The capstone activity of the weekend saw each squad testing the strength of a concrete beam that they had designed, formed, and poured the day before. The camp was judged by all participants to be a rousing success, and will hopefully become the basis for similar West Coast-based events supported by both SAME and its long-term partner in STEM, the United States Marine Corps.