SWE Region C Names Kate Hull 2017 “Emerging Leader”
Managing Consultant, Kate Hull, has been named an “Emerging Leader” by the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Gulf Coast Region, also known as Region C. The award honors one member each year who actively engages in an engineering or technology profession, Demonstrates outstanding professional performance, and consistently engages with SWE. The award was presented during the SWE Region C Conference in College Station, TX on February 18th. Ms. Hull has been involved with SWE and in the engineering field for a decade. She truly exemplifies everything it means to be a “leader” in engineering, actively engaging in her full-time career with Spire as well as several other industry organizations such as the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE) International, the American Bar Association Forum on Construction Law, and of course, SWE. Ms. Hull constantly strives to not only improve her own technical skillset, but also the abilities of the young women and men she mentors and coaches each day with Spire and SWE.
In addition to being honored during this conference, Ms. Hull, along with the Region C Senators, presented a Society Governance update and discussed the path forward for the organization.
Ms. Hull is currently the Deputy Speaker of the Senate for SWE and has held several other positions during her tenure with the organization such as Secretary of the Senate, Chair of the Senate Strategic Initiatives Committee, and Section Representative.
During her professional career, Ms. Hull has taken every opportunity to push the construction and engineering industries forward, to benefit every stakeholder on and off the jobsite. She spends countless hours guiding colleagues through complex construction projects, while balancing meetings with clients for project strategy sessions. She is truly challenging the status quo in everything she takes on, with one goal in mind: innovate the construction and engineering industries for the next generation.