Quantification of Damages: Basics To Best Practices
Kate Hull, has 10 years of experience in both the public and private sectors of the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. In construction-related disputes, Ms. Hull provides schedule delay analyses, productivity impact analyses, changed work evaluations and damages quantifications. She is certified as a LEED Green Associate (GA) by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC). She has served on the Education Board of AACE International (AACE) and currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Society of Women Engineers (SWE).
Quantification of damages associated with construction claims is a diligent effort, as they are often intertwined between various aspects of the project. Spire’s claims consultants are experts in the evaluation, quantification and presentation of construction damages.
Spire Managing Consultant, Kate Hull, presented at the Surety Association of South Texas luncheon on August 21st, 2018. The session titled Quantification of Damages: Basics to Best Practices, provided an overview on damages quantification methods and how to apply those methods. More specifically, the topics she covered included types of damages, factors to consider when selecting a damages quantification method, quantifying specific cost categories, and proper documentation to support a damages analysis.
Often, the most contentious aspect of a claim is the disagreement between parties’ quantification of the claim. Having assisted with claims evaluation of public and private sector projects on behalf of owners and contractors alike, Spire is equipped to quantify damages in a timely and cost effective manner that best serves the interest of our clients.
The Surety Association of South Texas is a professional trade organization whose mission is to advocate the use of surety bonds through educational, training and outreach programs designed to promote the benefits of surety bond credit. The organization consists of surety agents, attorneys, CPAs, and other surety-related professionals. To learn more, please click here.
Experts in evaluation, quantification and presentation
of construction damages.